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I never used to like RPGs. Magic just wasn’t my thing. Nor were swords. If a game didn’t have guns in it, then I wasn’t going to be playing it. But then Fallout 3 came along. It combined two of may favourite things (post apocalyptic setting and guns) with RPG
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One of the many titles that have been made available for a launch on the PS Vita is EA Games’ FIFA Football. As a adaption of the FIFA Football franchise this addition to the family does a very good job at showing off some of the unique hardware built into
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Gotham City Impostors is a new XBLA Batman themed shooter from Warner Brothers, selling for 1200MSP. It’s Batman ‘themed’ because Batman and his many villains never appear themselves, instead you play in a team of sad, delusional vigilante wanna-bes, either as Bats or Jokers. The game is multi-player only and
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Shank 2 is another of those sequels to a game I never played, so if you’re looking for a blow by blow comparison to the first Shank, you’re in the wrong place. For everyone like me, who missed the first incarnation of this XBox Live Arcade 2D brawler, read on.
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Grand Slam Tennis was originally a game created and released for the Wii back in 2009. XBox and PS3 version were promised later in 2009, but were then delayed indefinitely. Now however these missing editions of the game have re-surfaced as Grand Slam Tennis 2, and a Wii version is
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Hot on the heals of my review for the January Jalopniks the latest Forza car pack has dropped on to my Xbox. American Le Mans Series! This is a great title but a bit of a sad commentary on the state of American car design because only 3 of the
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Xotic, available from the XBLA Market place is a FPS game of sorts. It’s got your average evil darkness of evil that wants to take over everything. You happen to be the chosen one and must stop said evil and hopefully banish it for good. Whilst this game has some
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I like zombies. Some would say I love them. But I’m also very particular about my zombies. There are a lot of crap zombie games out there, and one good one, Dead Island. All Zombies Must Die takes a totally different route, and in reality the zombies are just window
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Happy Action Theater is Double Fine’s latest Xbox Live Arcade game. It’s the first Kinect XBLA game they’re released, but not the first Kinect game they’ve written as they were also responsible for the “Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster” Kinect retail game. Happy Action theater isn’t really a game
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On the surface, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection sounds like a great concept, three classic games for the price of one. BUt it’s that little word in the middle that will trip some people up. Classic. As in old. Sure, these classic games have been given a graphical overhaul, but
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