WIN: Vanquish (Closed) | Gameguide WIN: Vanquish (Closed) – Gameguide

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Right, it’s time for the first giveaway on the new look GameGuide.  We’ve got a few more giveaways up our sleeves, so stay tuned over the next couple of weeks.  All you have to do to go in the draw to win a copy of Vanquish for the XBox 360 is make sure you’re at least 13 years old, then make sure you’re signed in (Hit the Member Logion button on the top right of the screen) and leave a comment below.  If you’re not a GameGuide Member yet, hit the same button and click on the register link.  Registration is quick and easy and you only have to do it once, and measn less to fill ou when leaving comments in the future!

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