First L.A. Noire Trailer Released | Gameguide First L.A. Noire Trailer Released – Gameguide
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This trailer was made entirely from in-game footage
So the question is, will L.A. Noir live up to our expectations? Will it be next year’s Red Dead Redemption? Or have Rockstar been to ambitious this time?
This is what we know so far…
- Rockstar has a proven track record (GTA, Bully, Red Dead Redemption, etc.)
- L.A. Noire is something different than what Rockstar has done before (Hardboiled detectives, not rampant free-roaming violence)
- It stars Aaron Staton, better known as Ken Cosgrove on Mad Men
- There’s some cool new tech being used to create realistic lip-synching and facial animations
- It’s coming pretty soon, maybe as early as April 2011!
So yeah, that’s not much to go on. But my gut feeling is that this is one game that will define the year. It’s not just a simple re-make or the continuation of a series. It’s fresh meat and it’s going to taste good.
What do you think?
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