Batman: Arkham Origins
Being a prequel to the first two games, Batman: Arkham Origins is very familiar to begin with, it’s set in Arkham City for one, a city that has already been explored, and the game plays just as you would expect. The only thing that seem to be missing from this prequel is the wow factor. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not bagging Arkam Origins, it’s still a visually impressive game, it’s just (and understandably, especially when you consider the age of the current generation) that it look the same as Arkham City. I guess we’re all just too used to game looking better and better with each installment.
One of the big changes here then is the Bat Cave, where you can fast travel to and from, saving you time traversing the city. It’s here that you can create new gadgets and train using the challenge room, practicing stringing together combat moves so that your fights look like well choreographed set pieces.
There’s lots to do in Arkam City, from just beating up on groups of bad guys – who seem to be the sole occupants of this city, to finding collectables, some of which are locked behind puzzles that you will have to use gadgets to get to. Then there is the unlocking of control towers to unlock more of Arkham City and enable you to fast travel to more parts of the map.
Of course, with a $50 Million bounty on your head and some of the best assassins around in town for the night, this younger, more cocky Batman has his work cut out for him.
A true origin story it is not, but a welcome chance to re-visit Arkam City it is, along with the chance to meet some old adversaries and make some new friends it is. And for this, Warner Bros have created a welcome addition to the series that will keep fans old and new happy.
Rating: M Contains violence.