2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa | Gameguide 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa – Gameguide
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I’ve played a few different football games in my life, but the one I always seem to come back to is FIFA. There just seems to be something special about EA’s take on the worlds most popular sport.
2010 however is a slightly different year, it’s world cup year so naturally EA have released a World Cup branded game, that pretty much plays like the previous FIFA game, with a little tweaking here and there.
As with previous games the game play is fluid, the graphics are smooth and the whole experience is fun, but challenging.Â
The biggest thing fans of the FIFA series will notice is how EA have infused every aspect of the game with the Would Cup South Africa theme. From the menus to the interesting World Cup facts on the load screens, to the raucous fans and confetti and streamers on the edge of the pitch – everything just screams that this is a massive event that you are taking part in.
The commentary seems to have come ahead in leaps and bound, with the commentators sounding a lot more natural, and having a larger range of speech options so you don;t notice them repeating the same phrase over and over again as you have in previous games.
One good thing for local fans, is that all 199 international squads who partook in the real world qualifying rounds are included, which means that you can play as the All Whites and attempt to bring the World Cup to New Zealand.
You can ever attempt to re-write history with the Story of Qualifying mode. The concept is simple, you get to replay actual matches from this years world cup and se if you can change the out come – it’s an interesting addition, but one that isn’t much use until the World Cup gets under way – but definitely something I’ll be checking out later.
Taking the game online give you the opportunity to bring global glory to your country of choice as you battle it out against real opponents – or in my case, you can come up against real people who run rings around you and you end up bringing shame to your chosen country! It certainly adds a new challenge to an already challenging game.
Another excellent feature is Captain Your Country (which is based on the Be A Pro feature in FIFA 10) where you assume control of only one player on the field. This is a mode of play that I really enjoy – it feels more like the real thing, and whilst you won;t get as much full on play out of it, it does make you work for the ball. The only down side is that it appears limited in the number of teams you can captain, so I had to settle for England rather than the All Whites.
The Ai seems to have been ramped up a bit, with the opposition getting in your way a lot more, and not allowing you to stroll up to their goal line and score endless goals.
All in all, FIFA World Cup South Africa is a well rounded game. It might not have all the features of the previous FIFA game, but it does have the passion and excitement of the World Cup, and this along makes it a worth addition to your gaming collection.
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