X-Men: Destiny

X-Men: Destiny is a game that I was looking forward to popping in the PS3, if only because X-Men are about the only comic book heroes I actually like.  Sadly however Silicon Knights fail to deliver on a franchise that is ripe with possibilities.

The game is set in a period of time after the death of Charles Xavier where mutants are being hunted down and their powers stolen by an anti-mutant group calling themselves the Purifiers.  Rather that give you the obvious choose of playing as a ‘real’ X-Men character, we’re saddled with choosing one of three characters, none of who are recognisable in the X-Men universe.  Sure you’re get to meet some familiar – and not so familiar – faces, and eve get to fight alongside them, but you get to be a plain old ordinary mutant only just coming into the knowledge of their powers.

The game ends up being linear and repetitive, with a lot of mundane fighting and a bit of wall climbing and exploration.

Even the so called choice system that lets you choose conversational options fails to engage and offer anything meaning full to the game.  Neither does the choosing of sides.

What could have been a spectacular massive open world game, stumbles, trips and never really gets off the start line.

Sadly this is a game to avoid.


X-Men: Destiny

X-Men: Destiny is a game that I was looking forward to popping in the PS3, if only because X-Men are about the only comic book heroes I actually like.  Sadly however Silicon Knights fail to deliver on a franchise that is ripe with possibilities.

The game is set in a period of time after the death of Charles Xavier where mutants are being hunted down and their powers stolen by an anti-mutant group calling themselves the Purifiers.  Rather that give you the obvious choose of playing as a ‘real’ X-Men character, we’re saddled with choosing one of three characters, none of who are recognisable in the X-Men universe.  Sure you’re get to meet some familiar – and not so familiar – faces, and eve get to fight alongside them, but you get to be a plain old ordinary mutant only just coming into the knowledge of their powers.

The game ends up being linear and repetitive, with a lot of mundane fighting and a bit of wall climbing and exploration.

Even the so called choice system that lets you choose conversational options fails to engage and offer anything meaning full to the game.  Neither does the choosing of sides.

What could have been a spectacular massive open world game, stumbles, trips and never really gets off the start line.

Sadly this is a game to avoid.

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