WIN: Sonic Colours (Closed) | Gameguide WIN: Sonic Colours (Closed) – Gameguide

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No one at GameGuide owns a Wii, so when Sega sent us Sonic Colours for the Wii to review we didn’t know what to do.  Maybe we should send it back some one suggested.  No said I, lets give it away to one of our lucky readers.

All you have to do to go in the draw to win not only a copy of Sonic Colour, but also a silly Sonic hat and watch is make sure you’re signed in (Hit the Member Logion button on the top right of the screen) and leave a comment below.  If you’re not a GameGuide Member yet, hit the same button and click on the register link.  Registration is quick and easy and you only have to do it once, and measn less to fill ou when leaving comments in the future!

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