Rock Band 3 | Gameguide Rock Band 3 – Gameguide
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For anyone unfamiliar with the whole Rock Band concept, it’s designed as a party game that you play with your mates, but can also be played solo. Essentially you and your friends form a band, playing what ever instrument you like; guitar, bass, drum, vocals, or now with Rock band 3, keyboard (if you have one). Then you play a series of gigs and begin to grow your following until you become what you’ve always wanted to be: Rock Gods.
The concept has remained the same from the first incarnation to the present, with some minor tweaks along the way.
One noticeable difference with Rock Band 3, was that even on the easy setting, Rock Band throws you a couple of the 4 & 5 notes every now and then, just to keep you on your toes. I’m guessing that Harmonix has assumed than by now, everyone is experienced enough that they’ve raised the bar on ability levels. And good on them, I’d still be sticking to the easy three notes it they hadn’t ratcheted it up a bit!
With this in mind, and a huge collection of new songs, all seemingly unlocked from the get go, Rock Band 3 will keep my family and myself happy for a while yet.
Of course, without the keyboard I can’t help but think I’m missing out on the whole reason for Rock Band 3.
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