Top Spin 4 | Gameguide Top Spin 4 – Gameguide

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The first tennis game I ever played was pong.  The simplicity of the controls (and graphics!) was such that anyone could pick it up and play.  The last tennis game I played (whose name I won’t mention) was so overly complicated that I pulled my hair out in frustration and gave up playing it after a while.

Now Top Spin 4 has been released and it’s a relief to discover that developer 2K Sports has managed to produce a balanced, playable game.  It’s a game that most gamers should be able to just pick it up and play, but also has a depth that will allow more dedicated players to fine tune their skills with more advanced techniques.

The main part of Top Spin 4 – at least as far as I’m concerned – is the career mode, where you create a player and attempt to, well, make a career out of tennis.  Like any other sports game that has career mode, you’ll have to play matches, practice and level up to progress.

2K Sports have wrapped the whole affair up and presented it like everything you do is worthy to be broadcast on TV.  Even your friendly practice games garner a full audience.  It’s enough to make you feel like you may actually be on your way to becoming a star.

I guess it’s this that makes Top Spin 4 the best tennis game I’ve ever played – it’s a game that just begs you to keep playing, but one that you can play at your own pace and level.

It’s also a game that looks good and remembers the little details, like sweat.  That’s right, sweat.  Play a nail biting game that goes a few extra sets and you’ll soon notice the glistening luminosity of sweat all over your character.  It’s things like this than give the game that extra sense of realism and in turn makes them somehow more enjoyable to play.

If you’re a fan of sports games and want a new challenge, you won’t be disappointed with Top Spin 4.

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