The Evil Within – New Video & Release Date

Bethesda recently revealed that The Evil Within will be available in Australia and New Zealand on October 23, 2014, and that Shinji Mikami and his team at Tango Gameworks have asked for additional time to further balance and refine the game in order to deliver the polished, terrifying pure survival horror experience they set out to create.

They’ve also announced a pre-order incentive – The Fighting Chance Pack. The Fighting Chance Pack provides players with a handful of additional items that may help them stave off death for a moment longer.

The Fighting Chance Pack includes: Medical Kit – A vital health enhancement to enable Sebastian to fight on. Green Gel – Used to upgrade Sebastian’s attributes. Double Barrel Shotgun and Three Shells – A larger and more formidable shotgun than the regular shotgun, it’s useful for tight situations with multiple encroaching enemies. An Incendiary Agony Bolt – Capable of showering nearby enemies with damaging fire sparks.

A Poison Agony Bolt – Will draw enemies towards it and poison them, allowing Sebastian time for a quick escape.

And of course, there’s a little video (above) that shows people reacting to playing the game.


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