Sony Announces Return to Service | Gameguide Sony Announces Return to Service – Gameguide

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Sony Computer Entertainment announced today a return to some services across a number of countries. In a spot of good news for Kiwi gamers New Zealand has been named amongst the first 5 regions to be restored. Services being restored are :

  • Game-play across PS3 and PSP devices.
  • Playback of rental content for PS3, PSP and MediaGo
  • Music Unlimited from Qriocity for Current subscribers on PS3 and PC
  • Hulu, Netflix, Vudu and (of course most of these are not available in NZ anyway)
  • Friends Categories on PS3, List, Chat, Trophy etc.
  • Playstation Home is Back
  • And of course the actual ability to Login and Change your password/details

Amongst further details released in todays announcement was an indication that the ‘CyberAttack’ occured in a San Diego data center, affirming the decision that Sony made early in the piece to relocate some services to a new center. More security monitoring, increased level of encryption and more firewalls has also been added along with a what appears to be a philisophical change to the way SCE views security and acceptable levels of usage on the service.

Sony has comitted to these new measures and a return to service by the end of May 2011. Alongside this regional announcements will be made on a special “Welcome Back” package which will feature premium content as a final apology from Sony for the issues that have been faced by Sony’s loyal fan base.

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