Isaac Clarke Brings The Terror To Dragon AGE II | Gameguide Isaac Clarke Brings The Terror To Dragon AGE II – Gameguide

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In Dragon Age II, the chilling tales of Ser Isaac of Clarke are a favorite of bards performing in the wee hours of the night. In dank taverns throughout the land, these horror-filled stories captivate listeners and bring nightmares to those faint of heart.

Ser Isaac of Clarke’s Armour includes:

Isaac’s ArmorHeavy ArmorContains a rune slotIncreases armor

Requires high dexterity and cunning

Isaac’s BootsIncreases armor

Requires high dexterity and cunning

Isaac’s GauntletsIncreases armor

Requires high dexterity and cunning

Isaac’s HelmContains a rune slotIncreases armorCritical damage factor

Requires high dexterity and cunning

Dead Space 2 will be available in Australia on Jan. 27, 2011 and New Zealand on Jan. 28, 2011 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360® and the PC. Dragon Age II will be available across the same platforms on March 10, 2011.

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