I Am Alive Gets Gameplay Trailer

Dim lights

I Am Alive is now officially stll alive. Ubisoft’s silence over the game finally came to an end today with the release of the “Comeback” trailer, teasing us with some actual gameplay footage. A nameless protagonist talks about how no one is certain what happened as he walks around his destroyed hometown of Haventon. He says the dust and fumes killed much of what survived before proceeding to kill several people with a bow and arrow.

1UP have stated that it’s coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network late this year.

“We know people have been waiting for this game to arrive, and we believe it’s going to be worth the wait,” said Ubisoft marketing director Adam Novickas. “I Am Alive presents a unique take on the post-apocalyptic, survival genre by creating more complex and emotional situations for the player. Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network are the perfect platforms to leverage the mature and challenging experiences of the game.”

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