All-Star Cast Joins Mass Effect 3 | Gameguide All-Star Cast Joins Mass Effect 3 – Gameguide

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“I have always loved science fiction and I have always loved games and Mass Effect is really the first time both come together successfully,” said Prinze, Jr.-“It is a completely immersive game where you really feel like you’re part of this journey inside this universe. It will make you think, you will care about the character you are playing, and you will care about the characters that you bring into battle with you.”

In Mass Effect 3, players will be thrust into an all-out galactic war to save the galaxy from an ancient alien race known only as the Reapers. Players will assume the role of Commander Shepard, a war-torn veteran who’s willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate this nearly unstoppable foe. With a team of elite, battle-hardened soldiers at your side, each player decides how they will take Earth back, from the weapons and abilities they utilize to the relationships they forge or break. Gamers can get their first taste of the galactic war when the Mass Effect 3 demo launches worldwide on February 14.

Mass Effect 3 arrives on the Xbox 36, PlayStation3 and PC in Australia on March 8, 2012 and in New Zealand on March 9, 2012 and is available for pre-order now at participating retailers. Fans who pre-order have the opportunity to arm themselves with cutting-edge in-game weapons and armor to prepare for the all-out galactic war.

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