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Experience Kane & Lynch Multiplayer from the inside. Be a fly on the wall as Kane briefs Glazer’s men – a team of criminal ex-pats – before a heist. Focus is essential and paranoia can quickly distract you. Without eyes in the back of your head you’ll never know if

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I haven’t really bothered saying much about Gran Turismo 5 so far, basically because I thought it was going to be the same old, highly polished, crap. That’s right, I’m a hater, but only because Gran Turismo is the worst racing game ever, due to it’s ‘bump and go slow’

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Rockstar has announced plans for an ongoing series of DLC for Red Dead Redemption. Four packs will be released for the PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE over the next few months, starting with the Legends and Killers Pack at the beginning of August 2010, and culminating with the Red Dead

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A recent survey suggests that despite the ongoing growth of digital goods consumption, videogame consumers still prefer having their titles on physical discs. A report by research firm Ipsos MediaCT (as reported by UK trade magazine MCV) says that over 64 percent of the over 1,000 people surveyed preferred to

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I was visiting a friend over in Glenfield today and we had to pop out to the local Dick Smith to pick up some blank discs. Whilst there I was (as usual) drawn to the gaming section where I noticed that they were selling Crackdown 2 already (The NZ release

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