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FIFA 11 is a tough game to rate. First of all, there’s little doubt that this is the most realistic and best take on the sport of football ever, period. And yet, at the same time, the list of improvements over the previous year’s model is decidedly slim. Those improvements are welcome, of course. Chief among them is the new pro-passing system, which results in a more realistic game

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I grew up playing strategy games on PC. Blizzard titles were my bread and butter, so it didn’t take much to convince me to break my long PC drought (other than a bit of Civilization IV here and there) to pick up Starcraft 2, Blizzard’s 11 years in the making sequel to a game which was acclaimed as the best strategy game ever. Well, after working my way through the campaign of Starcraft 2, not to mention about 35 multiplayer games, to say that I have mixed feelings is an understatement. First of all, let me say that this is a fantastically crafted game. The production values are sky-high, the gameplay is fine-tuned and the cut-scenes are gorgeous.

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Oh.. Hi… Umm.. Remember me.. I used to write reviews, but then got handed a copy of Civilization 5.. now i just sit endlessly at my keyboard burning into the wee small hours of the day conquering worlds. Ok, so i jest a little.. But seriously Civ 5 brings me back to my Turn Based Strategy days as a kid and the HOURS upon HOURS of time spent building empires.

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Welcome to Monday Night Combat, the blood sport de jure of a corporate run future where clones battle against robots and clones alike. Once again the future looks pretty bleak if we are bringing back the coliseum but I guess a few thousand years doesn’t really remove the blood lust and self destructive appetite of the human race. This time the battlefield is a class based third person shooter with a healthy dose of tower defence thrown in for good measure.

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I have to be honest and say that I’m not a Spider-Man fan. I didn’t like the first film, and never watched the second. I never read the comic books. I just don’t understand what it is about him that I’m supposed to like. So here I am with the new Spider-Man to review, and after the intro cut scene I discover that this game has not one, but four Spider-Man that I have to endure – I’ll explain more about this later.

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Put your hand up if you like mindless action games that involve killing hundreds of people. Right, every one who raised their hand can keep on reading, the rest of you bugger off and go read the latest Farmville news. For a relatively new series – this is the second game – Kane & Lynch has a bit of a reputation. A rather controversial reputation. The key characters (namely Kane and Lynch) are probably two of the nastiest characters in the realm of video gaming, the first game was a basic run and gun with some variety such as doing over banks, but at it’s heart, a basic third-person action shooter that didn’t care if innocent people got in the way. Kane & Lynch 2 (K&L2) takes the basic premise of it’s predecessor and narrows the focus down considerably. It’s now basically a run and gun cover shooter with not a heck of a lot in the way of variety when it comes to game play – though there are a couple of nice missions that manage to mix things up a bit. 

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I felt a little let down by the last DLC as it added little more than a multiplayer repurposing for several existing locations and yeah it did double the number of arenas but it didn’t come anywhere near the fun of the free DLC. ‘Liars and Cheats’ is more up to spec for what I would call a worthwhile DLC.

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