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If you’re not an online gamer and you’re thinking of picking up Battlefield 3 only for it’s single player campaign, don’t.  It’s just not that good.  How it plays compared to the previous two installments, I don’t know.  I came on board the Battlefield juggernaut late in the game, with

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X-Men: Destiny is a game that I was looking forward to popping in the PS3, if only because X-Men are about the only comic book heroes I actually like.  Sadly however Silicon Knights fail to deliver on a franchise that is ripe with possibilities. The game is set in a

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Spider-Man: Edge of Time starts out on shaky ground, dropping your right into a big boss battle that you can’t win.  What a way to intro the game, but having to die.  As if thats not bad enough, the next segment sees you crawling through miles of air-duct with no

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Every year we get a new version of the worlds best football game, and every year that football game gets a few tweaks here and there, but stays essentially the same game.  Some years however, that game gets more than just a subtle makeover, and this is one of those

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Any Playstation fanboys out there are gonna have to forgive me for this, but I’ve never played an Uncharted game before, so Uncharted 3 marked my entry into this often raved about Playstation exclusive.  As such, I may miss out on some of the history of the franchise and I

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Sports franchises like to pop out a new game every year, with a few minor tweaks, just to keep the fan boys coming back with their money.  And if we’re honest, it would be easy to skip a year and not notice anything. With NBA 2K12 it seems like 2K

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When you start playing a new game and get a distinct sense of deja vu, it’s never a good thing, and that’s the main issue with Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Sure you’re back to playing Frank West and you’ve got a new area to explore, as well as

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There is a game that haunts me. It sits on the shelf calling to me… but I’m scared.  Scared that I’ll spend my precious gaming time and have no reward to show for my endeavours…  I’m scared that I’ll get so frustrated that I’ll throw my controller through the TV…

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I never was a fan of Batman growing up, the TV show was too cheesy and so were the films.  But then Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale redefined what Batman was with the rebooting of the film franchise.  Batman was now a much darker character in a much darker time. 

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Rage is a beautiful game that you will either love or hate, depending, in reality, on what you were expecting from it, and the reality is, most people will find something to complain about – but that’s just human nature.  Essentially what Rage is, is a beautifully rendered bastard child

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