GameguideFamousFive, Author at Gameguide – Page 87 of 87 FamousFive, Author at Gameguide – Page 87 of 87

It’s been a while since I played a golf game, and things seem to have changed somewhat. In the old days you got to turn your character around to face the direction you wanted to hit the ball in, then select the appropriate club, then determine the amount of power but pressing a button. With the latest Tiger Woods game, things are a little bit more advanced. For starters, you get a limited amount of focus. Focus is what Luke Skywalker would use when playing golf, however unlike Luke’s Jedi powers, your focus is limited and has to be used wisely. It can be used to help boost the power of your shot, improve the accuracy of your shot, add mid-air spin and give yourself a much needed putting preview. But use it wisely young Jedi, or you will use it all up. If this sounds all a little too easy, it’s not. It’s still a game of golf and with the limited powers EA have given you it’s still all to easy to keep getting the ball lost in the long grass or abundant sand bunkers dotted along the fareway.

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