Battlefield 3 E3 Trailers | Gameguide Battlefield 3 E3 Trailers – Gameguide

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Battlefield 3: Close Quarters is a themed expansion pack bringing the team play of Battlefield 3 to tight indoor environments. The frantic close quarters infantry combat is amplified by unprecedented high definition destruction, new ways to play, added persistence, and new weapons.

The HD Destruction in Battlefield 3: Close Quarters lets players riddle the environment with bullets, reducing entire locales to ruin. Everything from furniture to plaster can be shot to pieces, and players can see the result of the mayhem as rubble and broken pieces pile up on the floor. The tight level design and many opportunities for vertical gameplay create a highly competitive environment.

Battlefield 3 Premium members will get all five gaming-changing themed expansion packs combined with two week’s early access. You will also receive a host of exclusive in-game items including the ACB-90 knife, a set of Premium dog tags, and soldier and weapon camos – all complemented by unique Battlelog features, Double XP weekends, and other exclusive events and videos.

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