Snoopy Flying Ace | Gameguide Snoopy Flying Ace – Gameguide

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Snoopy Flying Ace is a recent addition to the growing collection of arcade style game available to download from the XBox Marketplace. When I say arcade games, I don’t mean cheap games with nasty graphics, I’m talking about fully featured games that are graphically on par with anything else you might have in your games collection. They’re just designated arcade games because they might be a little shorter and a little less serious that your standard retail games. Snoopy certainly isn’t a serious game. Think of it as classic cartoon hero meets XBox’s 2003 hit Crimson Skies and you’ll have some idea of what your getting yourself into. You play the role of Snoopy in the cartoonish world, where you are the Allies best hope in defeating the enemy in this alternative reality World War 1 Dog-fight game. 

Hit the skies with the solo campaign, co-op missions or get some frantic action in XBox Live multiplayer – whichever you choose first, you’ll find your plan is intuitively easy to use, surprisingly agile and never seems to stall. But don’t think of this as a game set on easy mode just for kids or you’ll find your self exploding in a fiery ball of flames. The variety of weapons – many light years ahead of the wooden Biplane’s technology – are all fired using the same trigger, but can be cycled through by the push of a button. The simplified controls keep the focus on game play and out smarting you opponents. It’s not all dog-fights however, as there are a variety of missions, so of which require you to get out of your plane and man anti aircraft guns. But for the most part you will be flying, weather it be in dog-fights, races or escort missions. Snoopy Flying Ace has just enough variety to stop from getting boring too quick, but never manages to break away from it’s arcade feel which may limit it’s playability for some gamers.
Reviewed on: XBox 360 Available on: XBox 360 Reviewed by: Put your gamertag here too.

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