Zombie Army Trilogy Coming to Xbox One | Gameguide Zombie Army Trilogy Coming to Xbox One – Gameguide

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Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, the undead Sniper Elite V2 spin-off, is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC early this year, developer Rebellion announced today.

Formerly only released on PC, the third-person shooter comes to current-gen consoles for the first time as Zombie Army Trilogy. The remastered pack includes Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1 and 2, a new horde mode, and a third, entirely new, entry in the series.

For those unfamiliar with the series, Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army places players in an alternate version of World War II, in which Hitler leads an army of undead super soldiers. Zombie Army Trilogy features a total of fifteen campaign missions, five horde maps, and eight playable characters, including four new female heroes.

Zombie Army Trilogy is being self-published by Rebellion, and is available to pre-order today for PC players via Steam or the Rebellion Gamestore. Owners of the first two Nazi Zombie Army games will receive a loyalty discount through Steam before the game’s release.

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