Why Do PC Gamers Hate Modern Warfare 2’s New Matchmaking System?

Unlike previous Call of Duty games on PC — and most other first-person shooters, not to mention most other genres, too – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be shipping without the usual multiplayer server browser, instead making use of a new matchmaking service called IWNet. A petition asking Infinity Ward to reconsider its decision to allow traditional dedicated servers has now been signed by nearly 130,000 individuals. Amazon.co.uk’s reviews section for the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 is littered with more than 125 1-star reviews, most all of which are complaining about IWNet and the perceived restraints it brings with it. It’s clear that we’re not dealing with a few fanboys who are crying foul, even if it is nothing more than the vocal minority. 

Infinity Ward has responded to the outcry by citing the many advantages that IWNet will provide gamers with. IW boss Jason West told Game Informer, “We’re just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners.” And clearly, the outrage is coming from the community that worships both mods and clan servers very highly. The simple solution would be to offer both server browsing and matchmaking, but West rightly concludes that doing so would “bifurcate the community.”

Community Manager Robert Bowling offered up a list of reasons why gamers should be happy with the move to IWNet – most notably, fewer cheaters, a party system, and matchmaking. Sounds pretty good, right? And although West’s joke that he told GI – “We thought maybe it would be cool if the fans could play the game” – may have peeved off some, there remains something about IWNet that has hardcore PC gamers pissed off. Something that they claim is more than just the idea of change. [1up]


Why Do PC Gamers Hate Modern Warfare 2's New Matchmaking System?

Rate this item Unlike previous Call of Duty games on PC — and most other first-person shooters, not to mention most other genres, too – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be shipping without the usual multiplayer server browser, instead making use of a new matchmaking service called IWNet. A petition asking Infinity Ward to reconsider its decision to allow traditional dedicated servers has now been signed by nearly 130,000 individuals. Amazon.co.uk’s reviews section for the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 is littered with more than 125 1-star reviews, most all of which are complaining about IWNet and the perceived restraints it brings with it. It’s clear that we’re not dealing with a few fanboys who are crying foul, even if it is nothing more than the vocal minority.  Infinity Ward has responded to the outcry by citing the many advantages that IWNet will provide gamers with. IW boss Jason West told Game Informer, “We’re just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners.” And clearly, the outrage is coming from the community that worships both mods and clan servers very highly. The simple solution would be to offer both server browsing and matchmaking, but West rightly concludes that doing so would “bifurcate the community.” Community Manager Robert Bowling offered up a list of reasons why gamers should be happy with the move to IWNet – most notably, fewer cheaters, a party system, and matchmaking. Sounds pretty good, right? And although West’s joke that he told GI – “We thought maybe it would be cool if the fans could play the game” – may have peeved off some, there remains something about IWNet that has hardcore PC gamers pissed off. Something that they claim is more than just the idea of change. [1up]

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