Top Videogame Trailers of 2009 | Gameguide Top Videogame Trailers of 2009 – Gameguide

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As games get more cinematic, the trailers are becoming more and more elaborate. 2009 saw game trailers that rivaled Hollywood’s finest film trailers. Here are four of our favourite trailers from last year. 

Mass Effect 2

Bringing people back from the dead isn’t just something done in the movies! Mass Effect 2 looks like it’s going to help kick start another massive year for games in late January.

The Ballad of Gay Tony

Though sales might not have been as strong as hoped for, Rockstar certainly know how to put together a great trailer.

Red Dead Redemption

Rockstar again proving they know trailers, with this eagerly anticipated game, that makes cowboys look like fun again!

Modern Warfare 2

And finally, probably the best trailer of the year, but sadly, this time proving the old Hollywood adage, sometimes the trailer is better than the film game.

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