Thief Confirmed For Xbox One | Gameguide Thief Confirmed For Xbox One – Gameguide News

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thief-xbox-one-3The master thief returns on Microsoft’s new platform, Xbox One.   Eidos-Montréal, the award winning studio behind Deus Ex: Human Revolution, has announced that Thief is being developed for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft.   “The team at Eidos-Montreal is thrilled to confirm that Thief is coming to Xbox One. The next generation of home consoles allow us to create the best and the most immersive Thief game ever. The feedback we have received so far is simply amazing and we can’t wait to show more of Thief at E3 this year” said Stephane D’Astous, General Manager, Eidos-Montréal.  

Thief will be available for Xbox One, PlayStation4, and Windows PC in 2014.

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