The Walking Dead Classified For Australia

It’s been a long time coming, but according to Joystiq, The Walking Dead has been classified in Australia:

Despite being surrounded by water and populated with vicious crocodiles, Australia will still suffer the inevitable incursion of the undead. More specifically, Telltale’s The Walking Dead has been classified in Australia. The game received an MA15+ rating for its “strong themes and horror violence.” Sounds about right.

Telltale confirmed to IGN that the game will be available to download on both PlayStation Network and Xbox Live “very soon,” with retail release dates for the console and PC versions expected “in the coming weeks.”

What this means for New Zealand is unclear.  We do know that The Walking Dead will be coming to the rental market via GDE sometime next month.  According to GDE however, there is not retail distributor for the game.

It would seem crazy however, seeing as GDE has had to get it classified, for the game not to be sold locally in it’s original form, as and XBox Live Arcade download.  I’ll ask Xbox’s local PR guys if they know anything about the availability of The Walking Dead outside of the rental market.


The Walking Dead Classified For Australia

It’s been a long time coming, but according to Joystiq, The Walking Dead has been classified in Australia:

Despite being surrounded by water and populated with vicious crocodiles, Australia will still suffer the inevitable incursion of the undead. More specifically, Telltale’s The Walking Dead has been classified in Australia. The game received an MA15+ rating for its “strong themes and horror violence.” Sounds about right.

Telltale confirmed to IGN that the game will be available to download on both PlayStation Network and Xbox Live “very soon,” with retail release dates for the console and PC versions expected “in the coming weeks.”

What this means for New Zealand is unclear.  We do know that The Walking Dead will be coming to the rental market via GDE sometime next month.  According to GDE however, there is not retail distributor for the game.

It would seem crazy however, seeing as GDE has had to get it classified, for the game not to be sold locally in it’s original form, as and XBox Live Arcade download.  I’ll ask Xbox’s local PR guys if they know anything about the availability of The Walking Dead outside of the rental market.

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