Sony Puts The Brakes On Motorstorm: Apocalypse

“Although the game itself is already in distribution, we are ceasing any further shipments and removing as much of the marketing materials as possible,” SCE’s statement continues. “Our thoughts are with all those affected, including our colleagues within the Sony family, living and working throughout Japan.” According to Joystiq MotorStorm: Apocalypse will still ship in the US on April 12 so we maybe seeing a worldwide delay rather than a cancelation of the key Sony title.

No official news from Sony New Zealand, but online retailer MightyApe has already pulled the game from their release schedule, though the MotorStorm: Apocalypse international website is still live.


Sony Puts The Brakes On Motorstorm: Apocalypse

Despite the fact that MotorStorm: Apocalypse has already begun shipping to brick-and-mortar stores in the UK, Sony says it will “postpone the launch” for the time being, missing the March 18 launch date. SCE issued a statement (via CVG) that specifically cites “the impact of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan” and “the parallels between these events and the underlying theme in MotorStorm” as reasons for the delayed launch. The game’s March 17 Japanese launch has also been delayed to a “TBA” date, alongside several other titles.

“Although the game itself is already in distribution, we are ceasing any further shipments and removing as much of the marketing materials as possible,” SCE’s statement continues. “Our thoughts are with all those affected, including our colleagues within the Sony family, living and working throughout Japan.” According to Joystiq MotorStorm: Apocalypse will still ship in the US on April 12 so we maybe seeing a worldwide delay rather than a cancelation of the key Sony title.

No official news from Sony New Zealand, but online retailer MightyApe has already pulled the game from their release schedule, though the MotorStorm: Apocalypse international website is still live.

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