Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 | Gameguide Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 – Gameguide

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Graphically, things haven’t changed much at all with Smackdown vs Raw in the lifespan of the Xbox 360, and the game is looking dated. The wrestling itself is solid for the most part but also suffers from hilariously bad hit detection.

It used to seem serviceable, but in the wake of the UFC and Fight Night games that have been released recently, it’s simply not up to par.

The big new draw with the 2011 version of this long running series is the WWE Universe mode, which ties all your matches together into a coherent, long running storyline. Also, Road to Wrestlemania is back, and it’s a decent stab at a career mode. Unfortunately, the backstage RPG elements that have been tacked onto the game feel clunky and out of place.

Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 does have it’s positives. It’s chock full of content which is going to satisfy any hardcore WWE fan. You can create wrestlers, storylines, pay-per-views and just about anything else that your heart desires. Those sorts of people will probably find a lot to like here.

But in terms of graphics, game mechanics and general fun-factor, this is a series which badly needs a reboot.

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