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If I had to use just one word to describe GTAV, it would be ‘stunning.’ However, before you get to ‘stunning’ you have to get through the prologue mission, and this, I will admit, had me worried. It sets the…
The original Lost Planet was pretty cool, but the follow up was pretty meh. So with the third installation of this series, Capcom handed the reigns over to Spark Unlimited who decided to jump back in time, and turn it…
Essentially, Killer Is Dead, is a hack n slash fighting game. Probably my least favourite gaming genre, but at least Killer would offer something missing from most games – creative art direction. In the game, you play the role of…
You can’t really review a game like Saints Row without talking about GTA. There is no doubt that Saints Row started life, like nay other wanna be games, as a GTA clone. Unlike other games that have come and gone,…
Sam Fisher is back, and this time he’s up against a terrorist group calling themselves “The Engineers” who, having grown tired of America’s policing of the world have come up with a Blacklist – a list of American interests that…
I’m sure there have already been enough comparisons made between PayDay 2 and heist film Heat, but it was the first thing that sprung to mind when I saw the trailers to the game. And now that I’ve played the…
I’m not really one for playing games on portable devices, even Sony’s PS Vita had minimal interest after a while, so when I comes to iPad games, I’ve not really played any past a couple of demos for military simulators.…
You play the role of Mother Nature in this cute but ultimately unenticing puzzler from EKO Software. Your role is to help the seed make it’s journey to a patch of fertile ground so it can grow to become what…
For some unexplainable reason, I love zombies. I’ve read more that my fair share of zombie novels and seen far too many films. I’ve also played a few zombie games, but most have been a disappointing waste of time. The…
We all love Facebook, right? Ok, so you may not, but bajillions of people do, and share cat photos on an hourly basis. Social media has exploded and changed the way we view privacy, with many on the one hand…