Red Dead Redemption Is The Biggest Game of 2010 | Gameguide Red Dead Redemption Is The Biggest Game of 2010 – Gameguide

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Rockstar Games’ wild West epic Red Dead Redemption is still flying off shelves, according to American research company, the NPD Group.

Reporting the U.S. videogame industry sales for June 2010, NPD said that the open-world action game moved nearly 1 million units last month. The game launched in May and sold 1.5 million copies that month. This, according to theNPD, makes it the best-selling title of 2010 so far. 

Another May release, Nintendo’s Super Mario Galaxy 2, passed the million mark in June, selling over 500,000 copies. Wii’s constant sellers Just Dance, Wii Fit and New Super Mario Bros. Wii were also on the top 10 games for the month.

On the hardware side, the surprise release of the new slim Xbox 360 model was enough to bump sales of Microsoft’s console slightly above the Wii, although this isn’t expected to be permanent.

As with last month, the presence of big-selling games and hot new hardware didn’t do enough to keep the games industry from declining year-on-year — with overall sales at $1.10 billion, a 6% drop from 2009.

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