No Pre-Release Modern Warfare 2 Demo | Gameguide No Pre-Release Modern Warfare 2 Demo – Gameguide
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Pre-release demos have become de rigueur in this modern age of downloadable content, but one of the biggest games of the year will be forgoing the seemingly standard process: Infinity Ward has tweeted a message saying they won’t release a demo for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 before its November 10 release, no doubt to the disappointed of thousands of very impatient gamers.
“No plan for a Demo before launch. The entire team is focused on polish all the way up to ship of the full game,” reads the Twitter message. It’s a complete 180 from Infinity Ward’s approach with the original Modern Warfare in 2007, which not only had a single player demo but an extensive multiplayer beta months before it’s release as well — which surely contributed to building tons of hype for the game leading up to its launch.
Of course, building hype is one area where Modern Warfare 2 needs no help (well, maybe in Japan…), as it’s probably one of the few games that can afford to skip a demo and still make a bajillion dollars in the lucrative lead up to Christmas. [1up]
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