NBA 2K12

Sports franchises like to pop out a new game every year, with a few minor tweaks, just to keep the fan boys coming back with their money.  And if we’re honest, it would be easy to skip a year and not notice anything.

With NBA 2K12 it seems like 2K have done more than just a bit of tweaking, they’ve elevated the game some what, but mostly for the benefit of hardcore gamers.

The defensive AI has been ramped up considerably and you will b brutally punished for your mistake, as I found out time and time again.  So for the casual sports gamer like myself, it means a big learning curve as you have to master the controls, because reckless button mashing just isn’t going to cut the cake.

The look and feel of the game is also an improvement over last year, wrapped nicely in a television broadcast style presentation that gives it that authentic, this is real vibe.

All the game modes are back, but the most noticeable changes are in the My Player mode, which has changed to make it easier to get into – thus making it a heck of a lot more fun – but making the end challenge a heck of a lot harder.

With plenty game options, fluid game-play (once you master the controls) and a crisp presentation, NBA 2k12


NBA 2K12

Sports franchises like to pop out a new game every year, with a few minor tweaks, just to keep the fan boys coming back with their money.  And if we’re honest, it would be easy to skip a year and not notice anything.

With NBA 2K12 it seems like 2K have done more than just a bit of tweaking, they’ve elevated the game some what, but mostly for the benefit of hardcore gamers.

The defensive AI has been ramped up considerably and you will b brutally punished for your mistake, as I found out time and time again.  So for the casual sports gamer like myself, it means a big learning curve as you have to master the controls, because reckless button mashing just isn’t going to cut the cake.

The look and feel of the game is also an improvement over last year, wrapped nicely in a television broadcast style presentation that gives it that authentic, this is real vibe.

All the game modes are back, but the most noticeable changes are in the My Player mode, which has changed to make it easier to get into – thus making it a heck of a lot more fun – but making the end challenge a heck of a lot harder.

With plenty game options, fluid game-play (once you master the controls) and a crisp presentation, NBA 2k12

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