Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor – The Nemesis System | Gameguide Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor – The Nemesis System – Gameguide


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A unique feature of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is the Nemesis system. Every enemy players’ face is a unique individual, differentiated by their personality, strengths and weaknesses. These enemies are shaped by their encounters with the player to create personal arch-enemies who are unique to every gameplay session. Players must out think each distinctively different enemy they encounter to infiltrate the ranks and dominate within the dynamic world that remembers and adapts to their actions and choices.

Every enemy in the game has their own name, rank, and memory. These enemies will continue to do their own jobs and tasks even when they’re off screen; the game progresses in real time even if you do not interfere, and as such an enemy you meet in one gameplay session may suddenly have achieved a higher rank the next time you meet him.

If the player does not kill an enemy in an encounter, this enemy will remember the player and change their tactics and conversations based on the encounter. The enemy will also grow more powerful and learn new immunities. Killing them will also net the player more experience points.

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