Medal of Honor Warfighter Fire Team Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer | Gameguide Medal of Honor Warfighter Fire Team Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer – Gameguide

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Official blurb: Medal of Honor Warfighter Fire Team Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer. Check out the reveal of our new Multiplayer Map Tungawan Jungle. Watch the awesome Multiplayer action that takes place in a coastal Philippine Jungle.

Verdict: The 2010 reboot of the Medal of Honor series was probably my favourite modern shooter since Call of Duty 4, so it stands to reason that I’m pretty excited about Warfighter.  Ok, and maybe a little biased.  This trailer is pretty much par for the course as far as multiplayer videos go.  It does however get the blood pumping, with a good mix and action and audio.  I’m hoping it lives up to the hype when October rolls around.

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