Mafia II Steals Guinness World Record | Gameguide Mafia II Steals Guinness World Record – Gameguide

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Mafia 2’s rap sheet now includes a Guinness World Record for “most swearing in a video game.” The mob saga surpassed House of the Dead: Overkill’s 189 permutations on the word “f*ck” by … well, they’re still counting. Seriously.

A representative for Guinness World Records said that at the moment the company has accepted that there are over 200 f-bombs in the game. He elaborated, “The number associated with the record is liable to change in the next few weeks, as 2K have promised to supply us with a copy of the game’s full script under NDA so we can count the number of f-bombs ourselves and update the record with a complete figure.” The company hopes to get the record into the 2011 Gamer’s Edition that will be available in January. – Joystiq

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