Left 4 Dead 2 May Give Avatar Awards
Left 4 Dead 2 may follow the Splosion Man route of offering wearable Avatar items for in-game accomplishments, according to a post on the Steam Forums (via MTV Multiplayer). A user with the handle “Fade Guy” found some items listed in the .txt file of the recently released demo. Among the awards are a med kit and frying pan, along with several t-shirts. The items are split into two categories: “in game” and “xlast,” the latter of which is widely assumed to be the Xbox 360 Avatar items. We’re not sure what the “in game” category describes (which includes the frying pan), but it’s still under the header of Avatar.Â
This is all unofficial for now, of course, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see these rewards unlock when the game launches next month. Check the (rumored) list of “xlast” items below along with the requirements for each:
Med Kit – “earned by beating all five campaigns” Bull Shifters Shirt – “earned by winning 10 games of Versus” Left 4 Dead 2 Shirt – “earned by winning 10 games of Scavenge” Zombie Hand shirt – “earned by killing 10,000 Infected”
Depeche Mode Shirt – “earned by rescuing Gnome Chompski from the Dark Carnival”