LA Noire
When you get an email from Rockstar, it pays to read the email carefully and not jump to conclusions. I just assumed that yesterdays show and tell for L.A. Noire was going to be a hands on affair, just like Red Dead Redemption was. Of course the email had clearly stated this was going to be a hands off demo.
After my initial disappointment of discovering I was not going to be handed the controller, I sat back to enjoy my first real experience with the world of L.A. Noire. Our host would be taking us through a single mission – or case as is the, um, case with Noire – which starts out with the games main character going to investigate what is initially a traffic incident but turns out to be attempted murder.
Of course to get from traffic incident to attempted murder is the tricky part, and it’s what makes Noire the game it is.
There’s plenty of car chases and shootouts in L.A. Noire, but it’s how the game creates gameplay out of human interactions that makes it truly groundbreaking. Observing a suspect, analyzing their behavior and knowing…