Hands On With 2K Games | Gameguide Hands On With 2K Games – Gameguide

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the-bureau-xcom-declassified-2Earlier this week I had the opportunity to sit down with the guys from 2K Games and get some hands on time with a few of their upcoming releases. This first thing I got to play with was XCOM: Enemy Unknown on an Apple iPad. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a turn based strategy game, and a re-imaged remake of a classic 1994 game, released for XBox 360, PS3 and PC late last year. I didn’t get a chance to play Enemy Unknown last year, but was blown away by the depth of the gaming experience on the iPad. It felt like a full console game experience, but with the effortless touch interface of the iPad. This wasn’t the main attraction for the day, but is certainly something I want to play more of, and would give me real reason to want to buy and iPad just so I can play it.

Next up was 2K’s long developed The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. This is a game that almost sounds like vaporware, but after seeing how far the game has come, I’m confident this one won’t be shelved into development hell. XCOM has been in development since 2006, and was unveiled as a first person shooter in June 2010 to a mixed reaction. For me personally, it looked like it was going to be an also ran in the over populated world of first person shooters. Fortunately 2K released they needed to do something drastic, and they did, turning it into a third person tactical squad shooter.
Set in small town USA, in the early sixties, it immediately reminded me of Rockstar’s 2011 experiment, L.A. Noire in some of it’s styling, though the similarities in reality are very vague at best. You play the role of FBI Special agent William Carter whose job it is to investigate and stop an unidentified alien force that is threatening to wipe out humanity. 2K have created a believable world for the time period but have equipped our heroes with some very steam-punk looking backpacks and a mixture of futuristic and period weapons.

The game flows well, with a great interface that allows you to run into cover, roll out and more, and has a pop up command interface that lets you control your two team mates with ease and precision. strategy as well as good shooting on your part will win the day as you work as a team to distract, flank and take down the enemy.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is slated for a late August release, and is certainly a title worth looking out for.

Finally, the 2K guys gave me a play on the upcoming Borderlands 2 DLC, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep. This is sheer brilliance, and adds a whole new layer of fun to an already enjoyable game. Gameplay revolves around Lilith, Mordecai, Brick, and Tiny Tina playing Bunkers and Badasses, a tabletop game similar to Dungeons and Dragons. You are dropped into the world of Bunkers and Badasses and Tiny Tina is the game master. But she’s kind of making up the game as she goes along, so things have a habit of changing to suit her needs, leading to some hilariously good fun. It’s total Borderlands, but with a new and original twist, and I could have kept on playing for hours. Keep an eye out for this around June 25th.

Time sure dose fly when you’re having fun, and my two and a half hours was over before I knew it. I’m loath to say which of the three games I prefer, as each sits in it’s own distinct genre, but it’s safe to say that anyone of them could command my time quite easily.

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