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I think it’s fair to say up front that I’m not a big Halo fan. I’m not a hater either; I’ve just never got into Halo as much as some other FPS. I think I prefer my games (and I know I’m going to get mocked for saying this) to
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How do you start a review for what Microsoft would likely call ‘One of the most anticipated games of the year’, a game which got a name change and went from being a stand alone expansion to a full retail game not to mention a halo game without a halo,
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Ok, I have to be honest, reviewing a game based on an up-coming kids film was not high on my to do list. In fact, it never made it to my list. Add to this the unavoidable truth that you get to play the part of a Special Agent Guinea
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Heroes often come in small packages, and Hiro is no exception. His adventure however is huge. The world is on the brink of chaos, as darkness spreads through the land – thanks mainly to the Evil Samurai Warlord and his quest for world domination. Using his magic skills, the Evil
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In a world where most manufacturers seem to go out of their way to make sure there products are not compatible with their competitors, it was refreshing to find with my first taste of Rock Band that on the XBox 360, all things musical seem to be compatible. Let me
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H.A.W.X.2 is obviously the sequel to Ubisoft’s initial foray into the combat flight sim arena. It’s also handily set in the same Tom Clancy universe as Ghost Recon Future Soldier. This is all nice and well, but essentially means little to me, as I never played the original H.A.W.X., nor have I played any combat flight sim on my XBox. But new experiences are something I try and embrace, and the Tom Clancy brand is usually pretty solid, so I approach H.A.W.X.2 with a degree of eager expectation. It delivers on my expectations, at least initially. The graphics an cut scenes are all beautifully relaised, and the introductory mission is a walk in the park. Even the later training mission isn’t too hard for this rookie. Then Ubisoft decide to mix things up a bit and you get to fly a spy drone looking for a downed US pilot. This leads to a mission reminiscent of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare where you get to man the guns on a flying fortress and rain terror down upon your enemy as the pilot and his rescue team hoof it overland, being chased by the nasty terrorists.
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Snoopy Flying Ace is a recent addition to the growing collection of arcade style game available to download from the XBox Marketplace. When I say arcade games, I don’t mean cheap games with nasty graphics, I’m talking about fully featured games that are graphically on par with anything else you
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I would consider myself, at least on a certain level, an average gamer. Sure I probably play a few more games that the average gamer, and probably play a lot longer and more frequently than the average gamer. However, I certainly wouldn’t consider myself a hardcore gamer. I don’t try and 1k every game in my collection, I’m not at level 10 prestige for Modern Warfare 2 (and nor will I ever be), but I do enjoy playing a variety of games. Some I can jump right in and complete in a week, others, like RUSE take a while longer. RUSE is a strategy game that demands a long and fulfilling relationship. I doesn’t want me to bang away at it all night. It wants me to take things slowly, discover how things work, and enjoy its company. As such, I feel a little cheap writing a review this early in our relationship. I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface, but because this is a game that I’m going to be playing over the course of the rest of the year, but I can’t really wait till Christmas to write my review, so here we are.
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Where do you start reviewing a game like 3D Dot Game Heroes? It’s either a flash of sheer genius, or the most ridiculously boring game ever, and it all depends on your gaming history. Bought up on nothing buy a diet of XBox Live First Person Shooters, or even some
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