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Console exclusive games are often hyped up games that promise to make the most out of your machine of choice, games that will make everyone who decided to go for the other console, green with envy.  But this hype comes at a cost, we expect the actual games to excel,

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Tiger takes a bit of a back seat in his latest outing for EA Sports, and I guess that’s understandable.  But it’s a game that pretty much insists that you take the game seriously, because this time you’re on your way to the Masters.  In case you don;t know what

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I never got more than a brief outing with the original Shift, but I wasn’t initially impressed with what was supposed to be a hardcore racing simulation.  My only real lasting impression was that the car seemed to behave in a wildly unpredictable way. So when Shift 2 came up

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The first thing I noticed about the Dragon Age II guide is the size of it – it’s huge.  The second thing is how well presented it is.  The layout and the graphics make it something that you want to take to bed at night and read. The guide’s approach

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“Can it run Crysis?” became a catchphrase for PC gamers, since at the time of its release, the original Crysis brought even the fastest gaming rigs to their knees. But, I suppose that the games developer, Crytek, got tired of making awesome looking games that no one played, since Crysis

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I’m not an audiophile by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know when something sounds better then it did before.  I review a few games and DVDs, and as such, over the last year or so, I’ve undergone a few upgrades to my audio output.  The first was

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Homefront was at the top of GameGuide’s most anticipated list for the year, so to say that we awaited it with some anticipation would be an understatement.  But then due to the fact that we’re a New Zealand based website, the review copies came late and I’d already heard the

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The first tennis game I ever played was pong.  The simplicity of the controls (and graphics!) was such that anyone could pick it up and play.  The last tennis game I played (whose name I won’t mention) was so overly complicated that I pulled my hair out in frustration and

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Major League Baseball 2K11 (MLB 2K11) marks the first time 2K Sports have released their Baseball title in New Zealand, so we can’t really compare it to it’s previous incarnations and tell you what changes have been made and what improvements you can expect to see. MLB 2K11 is pretty

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Dragon Age: Origins was a love letter to old-school RPG fans. It featured a sprawling world, an involving fantasy story and tactical combat. The PC version of the game received adulation, bring to mind the glory days of Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter Nights. The console version was a different story.

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