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There are some games that you really want to review, and then there are some games that get offered to you for review and you hesitate before saying yes. For me, Lollipop Chainsaw was one of the hesitate before saying yes games. THough I do have a love for all
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Dragon’s Dogma is a weird game, one that can soar to great heights, but then in places feel unfinished and empty. It’s a game that can take some getting into, but if you persist can be very rewarding. The game kicks off with the re-birth of an ancient dragon, who
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I became a fan of the Tom Clancy series of games back in 1999 when I discovered Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear on the PC. It was one of the most amazing, frustrating, but addictively enjoyable games I had played. It not only introduced me to the wonderful world
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If I was Obi-Wan Kenobi I would just perform a Jedi mind-trick on you and say: “This is not the game you are looking for.” But I’m not a Jedi, I have no mystical powers and you’ll be wanting to know why this isn’t the game you are looking for.
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If there’s one thing I hate when it comes to playing video games, it’s having to sit through cut scenes that won’t let you skip. I just want to get on and have some fun, shot the bad guys and blow some shit up. As such, I began Max Payne
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I didn’t blindly go into Minecraft with no understanding of the game. I knew there was a strong possibility that I would not enjoy it. But there was something about the phenomenon that gave me the desire to at least try Minecraft. So try it I did. Minecraft’s blocky world
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Trials Evolution is the sequel to the popular Trials HD. Essentially it’s a simple concept, a motorbike stunt game that uses exaggerated physics and complex courses to challenge your thumb and finger coordination. Each course is a wild ride that rewards you for speed and punishes you for mistakes. The
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There is something quite comforting about Lego. It seems to be a brand that is recognised as a safe pair of hands for any franchise. The philosophy of precision on the production lines of the spikey little plastic blocks always seems to make its way into every other product they
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I have admit that I’ve never played a Resident Evil game before, but because of my love of all things zombie, decided that I would set things straight with the release of Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. The game I think runs parallel with RE2 & RE3, but in a
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Kinect: Star Wars was supposed to be an epic game, but it’s not. It’s not an epic game because of a couple of reasons. For one, rather than being an epic story set in the Star Wars universe, it feels more like a collection of disjointed missions, strung together
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