Forza Motorsport 5 to Deliver Unmatched Post-Release Support | Gameguide Forza Motorsport 5 to Deliver Unmatched Post-Release Support – Gameguide
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Forza Motorsport has been the foremost racing video game franchise in its support and development of post-release content, delivering new cars months before they hit showrooms, and continuing to add automotive icons sought after by fans around the world.
The tradition will continue on Xbox One with Forza Motorsport 5 Car Packs to be released on a monthly basis following the launch of Forza Motorsport 5. For the first time ever, every vehicle will be available in Forzavista mode; allowing players to explore every inch of each car… inside and out.
Each Forza Motorsport has been the foremost racing video game franchise in its support and development of post-release content, delivering new cars months before they hit showrooms, and continuing to add automotive icons sought after by fans around the world.
The tradition will continue on Xbox One with “Forza Motorsport 5” 1 Car Packs to be released on a monthly basis following the launch of “Forza Motorsport 5” 1. For the first time ever, every vehicle will be available in Forzavista mode; allowing players to explore every inch of each car… inside and out.
Each Forza Motorsport Car Pack will include ten individual cars, with the first pack arriving on Friday, November 22, and subsequent packs available the first week of every month, beginning January through March 2014. Fans of specific makes and models may choose to purchase2 individual cars, a la carte, while devout fans may opt for the Forza Motorsport 5 Car Pass. The Forza Motorsport 5 Car Pass is for the racing fan looking for the ultimate driving experience, and gives full access to the first six Car Packs for $69.95.
The LaFerrari Car Pack, available on launch day for Xbox One and Forza 5, is the first opportunity for fans around the world to enter the cockpit of Ferrari’s long-awaited new hypercar. Powered by an innovative 950-hp hybrid engine and limited to 499 global production units, when released, the LaFerrari will be one of the fastest and rarest cars in the world, and “Forza” fans will get the unique chance to drive the digital experience before anyone else.
In addition to the LaFerrari, the pack will include nine additional cars, details of which will be unveiled by the “Forza” team soon. More information regarding the Forza Motorsport 5 LaFerrari Car Pack will be available on November 18, 2013. Stay tuned to for more news. The Car Pack will include ten individual cars, with the first pack arriving on Friday, November 22, and subsequent packs available the first week of every month, beginning January through March 2014.
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