For Honor

In it’s most basic form, For Honor is a button mashing fighting game that gives you the choice of being a knight, viking or samurai. But if you’re after basic, go play some Angry Birds, because you won’t get far in For Honor with basic button mashing.

For Honor takes basic and builds on it. Combat starts off simple, you can only attack from above, from the right or from the left. If your opponent attacks from above, you have to block likewise. But then there are both light and heavy attacks available, the heavy will of course drain your stamina real quick. Oh that’s right, rely on frantic button mashing and you’ll quickly run out of steam. Can’t get past your opponents defenses, try a block break move. Block break can stun your attacker throwing them off guard and giving you the chance to hit them. Of course, if they happen to be standing near a ledge you can also use the move to trow them to their death.

Dodging and rolling are also on offer an may get you out of a stciky situation or redeployed to attack again.

So basically, You’ve got to know when to block ’em. Know when to fight ’em. Know when to roll away. And know when to dodge.

Yeah, I just did that.

Of course, once you start leveling up you’ll unlock special moves and skills, each with their own cool down period, making them tactically essential for times when you’ve got your back to the wall or that final push is required. And each exclusive to their own faction.

For Honor predictably comes with both a single player campaign and online multiplayer. I always start off in campaign mode, as it’s the best way to learn the game, and I figure if the developers have created a single player experience I should really check it out. Now its an ok campaign, though it will quickly become a boring walking in the park if you don’t ratchet the settings up to hard. On hard you’ll have to master the combat down to a fine art, and this in turn will give you the skills to dominate online. Even if you don’t have the balls to dive in on hard setting, playing the campaign will give you a taste for each of the factions.

Now online is where the game really shines and where team play wins the game – sorry, but lone wolves tend to get slaughtered – as you fight against not only each other, but hordes of (fairly easy to kill) NPCs. Adding the NPCs is essential in making the game feel like a massive battlefield and it’s easy to get lost in the game as you not only have to be aware of your own team mates, but also the opposition and the hordes of NPCs trying to stab you in the back.

If you’ve ever watched a film where there has been a massed battle scene where hundreds of men are engaged in hand to hand combat and you’ve foolishly though how awesome it would be to experience that, foolish because if you’re on a couch watching a film you wouldn’t last five seconds in a real battle, but now thanks to Ubisoft you can experience it. Well, from your couch still, but hell it’s exhilarating.

Rating: R16 Violence.



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