Playstaion 3 fan boys have been waiting for Gran Turismo 5 since the PS3 was launched in November 2006. They were later teased with Turismo 5 Prologue, but it’s taken a while for Sony’s flagship racing series to actually see the light of day. A lot has been promised, and with the tag line ‘The Real Driving Simulator,’ GT5 has a lot to live up to.Now to be perfectly honest, I can’t rightly remember the last GT game I played, but the one thing I can remember is the annoying collision detection. Can’t make it round the corner – no worries, with no damage you can just hit the barrier and keep going. Worse still was collisions with other cars – no matter what you did, if you touched another car, the game would slow you down and allow the other car to speed away.
Since last playing GT I’ve played Codemasters Race Driver series, which turned into the more arcady but immensely fun GRID, the DIRT series and their recent F1 simulator along with of course, Microsoft’s Forza series. I’ve also played some of the lesser racing titles like Burnout, Test Drive and Need for Speed. Each have their very own approach to the racing genre, but only two really have a hold on the more serious nature of the game, F1 and Forza.