DLC – Page 2
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters is a themed expansion pack bringing the team play of Battlefield 3 to tight indoor environments. The frantic close quarters infantry combat is amplified by unprecedented high definition destruction, new…
The Battlefield army is over 12 Million strong and growing every day as Battlefield 3 continues to recruit gamers around the world with its dynamic sandbox game-play. Now DICE have decided to up the…
Hot on the heals of my review for the January Jalopniks the latest Forza car pack has dropped on to my Xbox. American Le Mans Series! This is a great title but a bit…
Last month saw the release of the January Jalopnik car pack for Forza Motorsport 4. Its a fairly random collection of vehicles with the draw card for most people being the Pagani Huayra. I…
Prior to Bad Company 2 I had always been a Call of Duty fanboy. I have never played either of the previous Battlefield titles, so the fact that the Back to Karkand map pack…
Ubisoft has revealed the new Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack, all-new downloadable content for Assassin’s Creed® Revelations for the Xbox 360, PlayStation3 and Windows PC. The Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack extends the Assassin’s Creed Revelations…