Design your Own Intergalactic Weapon (Competition) | Gameguide Design your Own Intergalactic Weapon (Competition) – Gameguide

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Thats right Sony Playstation New Zealand and Weta Workshops are teaming up in a competition to celebrate Ratchet & Clank’s New Offering – Ratchet & Clank : A Crack in Time.

Running from the 1st November thru to the 28th November you can try your hand at designing a weapon worthy of a Ratchet & Clank arsenal.The winner of the competition will get to see their design created by Weta Workshops in a one off special edition.

So if you think you can design something way cooler than the Groove-a-tron then get drawing and send your designs in.

To enter you need to submit your designs either thru TVNZ’s website ( or post them in to :

Ratchet and Clank Weapon Competition

100 Victoria Street West

PO BOX 3819


If you were at the recent Armageddon Pulp Expo you would have seen the Weta Workshop stand and seen the amazing new creations from the Dr Grordborts steampunk collection. The team at Weta Workshop are masters in their craft, and the attention to detail is amazing.

So go nuts.. Add the finest of details and maybe create something even Dr Grodbort would be proud of.

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