Call of Duty

Get your first glimpse of Call of Duty’s new maps, gadgets, future tech, and streak rewards in Black Ops 2s multiplayer debut, in which a man eats a combat axe.

Official blurb: Raul Menendez is idolized as the Messiah of the 99%, yet underneath the surface lurks an insidious mastermind hell bent on global insurrection.Created in collaboration with David S. Goyer (co-writer of The…

OXBM have just published their latest issue in America, with and exclusive look at the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 game.  Thanks to the wonders of the internet, we have found some…

call20of20duty20black20ops20ii-13Whilst I have stated that “I have absolutely zero interest in playing” Black Ops II based on the just released trailer, some of the details coming out now suggest that Treyarch may actually be thinking outside the square on this installment, and that it could technically be called a role-playing game.  Read on to find out some of the tidbits we’ve uncovered. 

{youtube}x3tedlWs1XY?rel=0{/youtube} I know I’m going to be labeled as a hater, despite the fact that I’ve played (and enjoyed) every game in the Call of Duty series, but Black Ops II is the first…

Ahead of the American World reveal scheduled to take place tonight during the NBA Playoffs, and to no surprise to anyone, Black Ops II has already been confirmed as the next game in the…

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