Create is an interesting little game – though Solve might have been a better name for it. It’s basically a problem solving game with a little bit of paint by numbers thrown in for good measure. What you get is a collection of levels each with there own theme, where you get to decorate the level to unlock challenges.
Challenges are where the fun – and the thinking – kick in. You’re tasked to achieve something then given a limited number of tools and objects to complete the task. The early tasks are relatively easy, placing a ramp down to help a truck cross a rocky plateau. As you progress however, things get trickier and will see you bouncing from building long and slightly insane contraptions to using a limited number of items to solve set puzzles.
It will certainly force you to put your thinking cap on, but it will also test your frustration levels as Create does suffer some control and camera issues – most are easy to overcome with a bit of dogged determination, but do leave a sour taste.As a single player game create will challenge any member of the family, but its at it’s most fun when played in a group setting, with one player in control whilst others suggest ideas – I could even cross over into a team building exercise.
All in all Create has just enough depth to keep things interesting but suffers from being a little under-whealming. However if EA take a good critical look at the games strengths and weaknesses, Create could build into a really solid series.