Whipping a Dead Horse

Well it looks like the Resurgence Pack is only a day away, well it certainly feels like its Infinity Ward release eve. There are often certain tell tale signs of a release, the inevitable early release of patches to a few consoles. The growing cries of those patched unable to connect to those who are unpatched. And then there’s the change on the playlist, so now we have options to play the Resurgence maps…. if only… one could… get ones hands on it. Thats ok.. cause we can wait.. we can play the older maps with our.. oh wait.. they have not got the patch yet… riiight.. So its a case of pre-release eve.. go find a beer and watch your box poll for the updates. The whole update system just seems to be pants, to be fair. And as the popularity of MW2 wanes for other titles, its becoming harder and harder to connect to games of any quality… even games without cheaters and boosters. (fyi YouTube is filling fact with fun to watch hacks) So.. Is Resurgence flogging a dead horse? we’re starting to wonder. At the end of the day MW2 has not lasted as long as the joy of COD4:MW.. We are frustrated at the focus on overpriced DLC’s.. The shambolic roll outs before these DLC’s are made available.. and quite frankly the whole MW universe is torn between bad game connections, being forced into game chat with mouthy 11 year old noobs and the latest invincible jump tall buildings super hack. But.. i suspect im preaching to two types of readers here.. The choir, who all know what im talking about.. And those lucky enough to actually get there hands on Red Dead Redemption, and have left the MW2 platform for a very very long time.

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