Star Wars Xbox 360 Avatar Gear

Show your Rebel pride, your Imperial allegiance or your carefree bounty hunter love with new The Empire Strikes Back-themed Avatar gear, adorable enough to force almost any Star Wars fan to drop Microsoft Points on virtual clothing.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, LucasArts is exploring new money making opportunities in the form of Xbox Live Avatar gear. Lightsabers, mini-Tauntauns, novelty Yoda hats… it’s all here! Even Bossk gets some love.

The following Avatar items, including that somewhat creepy-looking Chewbacca outfit, will be available on Xbox Live starting Thursday, May 20th, the day before Empire turns 30. – kotaku


Star Wars Xbox 360 Avatar Gear

Rate this item Show your Rebel pride, your Imperial allegiance or your carefree bounty hunter love with new The Empire Strikes Back-themed Avatar gear, adorable enough to force almost any Star Wars fan to drop Microsoft Points on virtual clothing. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, LucasArts is exploring new money making opportunities in the form of Xbox Live Avatar gear. Lightsabers, mini-Tauntauns, novelty Yoda hats… it’s all here! Even Bossk gets some love. The following Avatar items, including that somewhat creepy-looking Chewbacca outfit, will be available on Xbox Live starting Thursday, May 20th, the day before Empire turns 30. – kotaku

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