Rumours : GT5 Launch Date & PlayTV in NZ

Today we start a new feature.. “The Saturday Morning Unofficial Yet Somewhat Sounding Official Rumours That Seem To Be Official Statements” …. Yeah were still working on the title.

PlayTV for the PS3?!!?

So yesterday morning Gerard Campbell (Game Junkie) from was called by Sony NZ Head to say that the long awaited PlayTV for the PS3 is here and will be available at the end of the month. Check out this link for more info on this

GT5 – Launch Date set for the USA

And this morning we awoke to the news that GT5 has an official launch date in North America of the 24th November. The question remains will this be an international release date, one would suspect so. Check out this like for more info on this

Well if this is all official and true then it appears Sony NZ is going to have a very good Christmas. 

Last modified on Saturday, 13 November 2010 07:03

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